There is an old joke that three people were once discussing how to pray. The first said that people should pray on their knees with their hands folded like the picture of Jesus praying in the garden. The second argued that people should pray standing, with their arms stretched out like Jesus on the cross. The third disagreed, saying everyone should pray standing on their head, yelling out to God at the top of their lungs. When, asked why, he said the best prayer he ever prayed was when he was falling down a well. Thankfully, we don’t have to guess how to pray. The Bible includes some tremendously powerful verses on prayer and God’s faithfulness to hear and answer our prayers. Though there is no formula for prayer and God can never be manipulated into answering our prayers, some of these verses also include important guidance on how to pray. If you are looking to have a more effective prayer life, check out our list of the Top 10 Practices For More Effective Prayer.